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Planning Board Minutes 2007/12/06
December 6, 2007

PRESENT:  Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                  Derek Tatlock
                  Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                  Peter White
                  Bruce Jennings

STAFF:        Michael Marquise, Planner
                  Joan Bleau, Recording Secretary

ABSENT:     Philip Porter
                  Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                  Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate
                  Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

ALSO ATTENDING:  See sign-in sheet.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Peggy Chalmers at 7:05PM.

The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and carried unanimously.

Michael reminded the members that the public hearing for the proposed zoning amendments will be held in two weeks.  He handed out copies of the proposed amendments (see attached) and asked the members to review them before the meeting on December 20th.  Michael also advised the members that there will be meetings in Concord regarding the Shoreline Protection Act on December 11th and 12th.   If anyone would like to attend, please email Michael.


Library Building Committee
Barbara Chalmers presented an overview of the proposed Library site and building.  They are proposing using a portion of the Riverway property.  The building is to provide for 10 years of growth beyond 2010.  It will be 9,300 square feet with a meeting room to accommodate 35 people and more with use of the children’s area.  The Selectmen are scheduled to meet with the Riverway to discuss a possible property purchase.  The Building Committee will then meet with the Library Trustees and then develop warrant articles.  They would like to purchase between .8 and .9 acres of the Riverway property with the Riverway retaining approximately .3 to .4 acres.  Michael advised that the Zoning requirement for that area is .5 acres minimum lot size.  Peter White advised that the site was previously developed and will add to year round usage of the Harbor area.

Michael advised that the Planning Board issues would be Subdivision and Site Plan Review and that the Zoning issues would be setback on Main St, shoreline setbacks, and lot coverage.  Peggy advised that the Planning Board would also be looking at erosion control and plantings.

Nancy Kell, Map 207, Lot 11, 749 North Rd., Subdivision
Nancy Kell asked for clarification on the width of the road she proposed to put in on her property to provide access to the new lot.  Michael advised that it needs to be 18 feet wide with 6 foot slopes on both sides for a total of 30 feet.  Nancy asked what the maximum allowable is for the slope and Michael advised that 10% is the basic.  She then asked if the road has to be done before she can apply for the subdivision and Peggy advised that the subdivision can be approved by the Board with a condition of road completion.  Nancy then asked if the road has to be done before final approval is given and Michael stated that she could do a bond for the road and then final approval could be given.  He explained that the bond would cover the cost of the Town having the road done should if not be completed by the applicant.  He also advised that she will need to get a survey done and then apply for Subdivision Review.  A 50 foot right of way would be needed with a 30 foot road width within that.


Map 104, Lot 81, Edward R. Jewell, Jr., 1005 Lake Ave., Statement of Property Change, Change Existing Commercial Property to Residential & Commercial Property

Edward Jewell, Jr., addressed the Board regarding a property he is proposing to purchase.  Michael advised that you can always go from commercial to residential, but you would lose the commercial usage and would have to come back to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review to go back to commercial usage.  Edward questioned if the location of the building on the property could be changed or would he have to go to the Zoning Board.  Michael advised that the maximum lot coverage for that location is 80%, but he would still need approval from the Zoning Board.  Peggy advised that he does not need approval from the Planning Board to go to residential usage.


Bruce Jennings advised the Board that he had received an email regarding a piece of property on Lake Ave. that has been sold.  There was concern that it is proposed that the existing building will be demolished and a garage will be put up to house a collection.  He responded that if it were to be commercial usage, it would have to come before the Planning Board.

Peggy expressed concern regarding possible erosion problems with future land development and thinks the Board should look at erosion control.  Michael advised that it is already addressed in the regulations that there be 0% impact.  It is also addressed in the Master Plan Land Use and it was added to the Zoning Regulations one year ago regarding anything in excess of 100,000 square feet.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05Pm.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                        Approved                        

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                           Peter White

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alt.